Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Test Procedure
Equipment List
- A signal generator with the low phase noise option
- A spectrum analyzer with low phase noise
- Variable attenuators
- Low distortion power amplifier
Test Procedure
Bandpass Filters
- Set the signal generator to the center frequency
- Adjust the signal level
- Connect the output of the signal generator to the input of the filter
- Connect the output of the filter into the variable attenuator (do not overload the input of the spectrum analyzer)
- Connect the output of the variable attenuator to the spectrum analyzer
Notch Filters
- The procedure is the same as it is for the Bandpass Filters with the exception of setting the test frequency in the passband of the filter.
Lowpass Filters
- As above. Use any frequency of interest up to the passband edge.
Highpass Filters
- As above. Use any frequency of interest up to the passband edge.